"A Star is Born"

A Star Is Born

Materials Used:

7 count Plastic Canvas Mesh

Needloft Yarn:
#00 Black - 2 yds.
#35 Sail Blue - 40 yds.
#4 White - 4 yds.
#37 Silver/Gray - 1/2 yds.
#19 Straw - 9 1/2 yds.
#17 Gold - 1 yd.

Large Safety Pin
Crafters Black Wire - 21 inches

Stitches Used:

Continental Stitch
Cross Stitch
Overcast Stitch


Cut 1 piece of 77X71 threads according to the big heart pattern, plus cut out 2 pieces
of 13X12 according to the star pattern. Follow the patterns to stitch the project. The
eyes (in Gold) & the periods (in Black) on the big heart are done in Cross Stitch. When
completed Overcast the big heart in Sail Blue and the little stars in Straw. Fasten the
Large Safety Pin as indicated in the picture of the finished project (just at the top of
the diaper). Thread your Crafters Black Wire through the 2 spots at the top of the big
heart as indicated on the pattern (the black circles). Put one star on either end and
then curl the wire so they stay on.

The Pattern:

Questions or comments? Contact teresa@tsplace.com
Copyright 1997-2016 Teresa Crawford. Not for commercial use without permission

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